Ultima modifica: 6 Maggio 2016
Centro Territoriale di Supporto "Alceo Selvi" > News > Esami di stato 2015/2016 – Modalita’ organizzative e svolgimento. Studenti con Disabilità

Esami di stato 2015/2016 – Modalita’ organizzative e svolgimento. Studenti con Disabilità

Pubblicata l’Ordinanza ministeriale n. 252 del 19-04-2016 avente per oggetto “Istruzioni e modalità organizzative ed operative per lo svolgimento degli esami di Stato conclusivi dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria di secondo grado nelle scuole statali e non statali. Anno scolastico 2015/2016”

Art. 15
Riunione preliminare
h) documento del consiglio di classe nella parte relativa ai candidati con disabilità ai fini degli adempimenti di cui al successivo articolo 22, in particolare individuando gli alunni con disabilità che sostengono l’esame con le prove differenziate di cui all’ordinanza ministeriale del 2001 n. 90;

Art. 20
Correzione e valutazione delle prove scritte
5. Il punteggio attribuito a ciascuna prova scritta è pubblicato, per tutti i candidati di ciascuna classe, ivi compresi i candidati con DSA che abbiano sostenuto prove orali sostitutive delle prove scritte in lingua straniera e i candidati con disabilità che abbiano sostenuto gli esami con prove relative al percorso didattico differenziato, nell’albo dell’istituto sede della commissione d’esame il giorno precedente la data fissata per l’inizio dello svolgimento dei colloqui (articolo 3, comma 6, della legge 10 dicembre 1997, n. 425). Vanno esclusi dal computo le domeniche e i giorni festivi intermedi.

Art. 22
Esami dei candidati con disabilità
1. Ai sensi dell’articolo 6 del O.P.R. 23 luglio 1998, n. 323, la commissione d’esame, sulla base della documentazione fornita dal consiglio di classe, relativa alle attività svolte, alle valutazioni effettuate e all’assistenza prevista per l’autonomia e la comunicazione, predispone prove equipollenti a quelle assegnate agli altri candidati e che possono consistere nell’utilizzo di mezzi tecnici o modi diversi, ovvero nello sviluppo di contenuti culturali e professionali differenti. In ogni caso le prove equipollenti devono consentire di verificare che il candidato abbia raggiunto una preparazione culturale e professionale idonea per il rilascio del diploma attestante il superamento dell’esame. Per la predisposizione delle prove d’esame, la commissione d’esame può avvalersi di personale esperto; per il loro svolgimento la stessa si avvale, se necessario, dei medesimi operatori che hanno seguito l’alunno durante l’anno scolastico. Il docente di sostegno e le eventuali altre figure a supporto dell’alunno con disabilità vengono nominati dal Presidente della Commissione sulla base delle indicazioni del documento del consiglio di classe, acquisito il parere della Commissione.

2. I testi della prima e della seconda prova scritta sono trasmessi dal Ministero anche in codice Braille, ove vi siano scuole che le richiedano per candidati non vedenti. Per quei candidati che non conoscono il codice Braille si possono richiedere ulteriori formati (audio e/o testo), autorizzando anche la utilizzazione di altri ausili idonei, abitualmente in uso nel corso dell’attività scolastica ordinaria. Per i candidati ipovedenti i testi della prima e della seconda prova scritta sono trasmessi in conformità alle richieste delle singole scuole le quali indicano su apposita funzione SIOI tipologia,
dimensione del carattere e impostazione interlinea.

3. Per quanto riguarda le prove per candidati ricoverati e/o presso case di reclusione, solo in casi eccezionali, debitamente documentati, sarà possibile richiedere, alla Struttura Tecnica Esami di Stato, tramite l’U.S.R. di riferimento un apposito Plico cartaceo che come per le prove in formato BRAILLE dovrà essere ritirato presso l’Amministrazione Centrale, con le modalità che saranno successivamente comunicate.

4. In ogni caso, per tutte le prove in formato speciale le scuole daranno comunicazione anche alla Struttura tecnica degli esami di Stato via mail (segr.servizioispettivo@istruzione.it).

5. Per i candidati che non conoscono il codice braille la Commissione può provvedere alla trascrizione del testo ministeriale su supporto informatico, mediante scanner fornito dalla scuola, autorizzando anche la utilizzazione di altri ausili idonei, abitualmente in uso nel corso dell’attività scolastica ordinaria. Per i candidati ipovedenti i testi della prima e della seconda prova scritta sono trasmessi in formato ingrandito, su richiesta dell’istituto scolastico interessato, che in ogni caso comunica alla Struttura tecnica esami di Stato del Ministero la percentuale di ingrandimento. I tempi più lunghi nell’effettuazione delle prove scritte, anche in modalità grafica o scrittografica, compositivo/esecutiva musicale e coreutica, e del colloquio, previsti dal com ma 3, dell’articolo 16, della legge 3 febbraio 1992, n. 104, non possono di norma comportare un maggior numero di giorni rispetto a quello stabilito dal calendario degli esami. In casi eccezionali, la commissione, tenuto conto della gravità della disabilità, della relazione del consiglio di classe, delle modalità di svolgimento delle prove durante l’anno scolastico, può deliberare lo svolgimento di prove equipollenti in un numero maggiore di giorni.

6. I candidati che hanno seguito un percorso didattico differenziato (P.E.I.) e sono stati valutati dal consiglio di classe con l’attribuzione di voti e di un credito scolastico relativi unicamente allo svolgimento di tale piano possono sostenere prove differenziate, coerenti con il percorso svolto finalizzate solo al rilascio dell’attestazione di cui all’articolo 13 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica n. 323 del 1998. Essi sostengono l’esame con le prove differenziate di cui all’art. 15, comma 4, dell’O.M. n. 90 del 2001. I testi delle prove scritte sono elaborati dalle commissioni sulla base della documentazione fornita dal consiglio di classe.

7. I suddetti alunni, qualora non svolgano una o più prove scritte, sono ammessi alla prova orale, con l’indicazione sul tabellone esclusivamente dei risultati delle prove scritte effettivamente sostenute. La registrazione dei risultati di tali prove parziali sostenute deve essere riportata nei tabelloni affissi all’albo dell’istituto nello stesso modo in cui è indicato il mancato svolgimento delle prove scritte da parte di eventuali candidati assenti. Per detti candidati, inoltre, il riferimento all’effettuazione delle
prove differenziate va indicato, pertanto, solo nella attestazione e non nei tabelloni affissi all’albo dell’istituto.

8. Il punteggio complessivo delle prove scritte risulterà a verbale e potrà essere calcolato in automatico con l’utilizzo dell’applicativo “Commissione web” o, in alternativa, determinato proporzionalmente. La valutazione finale verrà indicata sul tabellone dei risultati all’albo della scuola, senza alcuna indicazione del fatto che la stessa si riferisce al percorso didattico differenziato, e sull’attestato di cui all’articolo 13 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 23 luglio 1998, n. 323.

9. Agli alunni, ammessi dal consiglio di classe a svolgere nell’ultimo anno un percorso di studio conforme alle Linee guida e alle Indicazioni nazionali e a sostenere l’esame di Stato, a seguito di valutazione positiva in sede di scrutinio finale, è attribuito per il terzultimo e penultimo anno un credito scolastico sulla base della votazione riferita al P.E.I. Relativamente allo scrutinio finale dell’ultimo anno di corso si applicano le disposizioni di cui al precedente articolo 2.

Per saperne di più ……. scarica l’O.M. http://www.istruzione.it/allegati/2016/om252_16.pdf

2445 commenti »

  1. ekyzrfodmm ha detto:

    Esami di stato 2015/2016 – Modalita’ organizzative e svolgimento. Studenti con Disabilità – Centro Territoriale di Supporto “Alceo Selvi”
    ekyzrfodmm http://www.gqa68mj7g62p87z3qca87c58xg5q19d6s.org/

  2. What makes Gomez so challenging is the reality he’s a southpaw,
    has atleast nine decades of wrestling expertise (a CIF titleholder) and today couple of years battling in CAMOUFLAGE (the Florida Amateur Mixed Martial
    Arts Corporation).

  3. Olga ha detto:

    When I am dome with the Christmas gifts I’ll add them to a page.
    Very nicely deserved purple star!

  4. There have been many exciting designs and these
    designs have been manufactured with precision.

  5. Small and delicate rings look good on skinny and
    lengthy fingers whereas chunky items match nicely on bigger palms.
    See what you like and what appears to be like good.

  6. New automobile registrations, one other guide, have been down 16 percent in May on the previous 12 months.

  7. Lilliana ha detto:

    A wonderful example of the imaginative designs of the early 1900s.

  8. Neil ha detto:

    Whether or not its photographs of the marriage rings, champagne glasses, jewellery or simply your bridesmaids sharing an emotional moment!

  9. Marcus ha detto:

    At least you care concerning the appearing capability and that’s actually good.

  10. Tonia ha detto:

    Be prepared for final second dinner plans or an evening at the opera while away from dwelling with
    this exceedingly convenient travel jewelry pouch.

  11. Graciela ha detto:

    One of the most well-known is the millefiori design,
    which is made by layering coloured, liquid glass with each layer shaped by a mould right into
    a star, that is then stretched into long rods, known as canes.

  12. Roslyn ha detto:

    Even the ankles and waist are generally adorned with gold jewellery.

  13. Deana ha detto:

    For now, Camilla infallibly wears her Boucheron Honeycomb
    for all tiara events.

  14. Latanya ha detto:

    anybody searching for data on jewelry making needn’t look any additional!

  15. Heike ha detto:

    Coral jewelry ought to be cleaned with a moist smooth fabric.

  16. web-ide.ir ha detto:

    Knowing these methods can greatly increase the lifespan of your jewelry items, and preserve them looking new for for
    much longer.

  17. Diamonds, pearls and other real and valuable stones are averted
    in vogue jewels.

  18. Hulda ha detto:

    It’s extra susceptible to grime, dust and different such components.
    Moreover if it is expensive then the protection turns into more vital not due to the one chances of going bad but also the possibilities of getting stolen.

  19. Paulina ha detto:

    They became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period (sixty five million years ago) and the ammonites that would finally bear ammolite had been preserved in sediment within the Rocky Mountains.

  20. The peerlessly matching jewelleries can make your get-up fairly beautiful and pretty.
    For example, a white pearl necklace and earrings go superb with a lace-primarily based black costume.

    The costume jewelry shop in Newcastle has a very good number of ornaments for

  21. Nothing signals a royal marriage ceremony like
    a tiara, and if a future queen can’t put on one
    on her marriage ceremony day, who can?

  22. Melanie ha detto:

    He purchased up a series of diamond fields in South Africa,
    together with one owned by the De Beers brothers, and created the first large-scale mine at
    Kimberley within the Northern Cape.

  23. Herman ha detto:

    CHICAGO, Jan thirteen Chicago’s money-strapped public school system ordered its academics and
    administrators on Friday to take 4 unpaid days off to
    offset state funding withheld by Illinois’ Republican governor.

  24. I like the concept initials, colours and shapes had specific meanings for girls involved in the suffragette
    motion. This may be true for all the things the movement
    handled eg sashes worn at protest marches, ebook covers, advertisements, scarves, badges, dinner ware, silk ribbons
    around hats and so forth.

  25. Moses ha detto:

    Keep in mind to mix large and really ornate
    jewelry with easy outfits.

  26. Lacy ha detto:

    New automobile registrations, one other information, have been down 16 % in Might
    on the previous 12 months.

  27. Stephaine ha detto:

    To avoid becoming a victim of the sort of forced entry, verify all door cylinders and,
    if crucial, improve to ‘Break Secure’ or ‘SnapSafe’ ranges.

  28. Vallie ha detto:

    The amount of jewelry they’ve will definitely have an impact throughout the dimension of jewellery field you will want.
    But, it might probably additionally figure out whether or not or not you are going to have to have a self-standing or counter main field.
    Self-standing packing containers are large and may even be
    the dimensions of a dresser so you may need plenty of home.
    Moreover area to the dresser dimension box, additionally, you
    will wish to make certain it suits with the decor and kind of furnishings definitely present
    of their area.

  29. Clyde ha detto:

    A well made pair of flush cutters is price its weight in gold for making jewelry with wire,
    head pins, eye pins, and so on. But top quality models often value a reasonably penny.

  30. Marsha ha detto:

    Thanks very much for this informative article.

  31. So the eventual dimension and form of this pendant was determined
    fully by the length of the bezel strips I wove collectively, then having put
    it on a base, I added curly tendrils, leaves, balls and a triple looped

  32. Jennifer ha detto:

    The pieces will lay otherwise each means, and I just discover that they lay a little bit
    flatter if I lower alongside the outer edge.

  33. Kristian ha detto:

    Not my best hour!

  34. Marcelo ha detto:

    It will likely be fascinating to see if Kate wears it for her next journey; it’s a pretty piece.

  35. Joma Jewellery ha detto:

    I used some lovely moss green ones I found within the
    floral division. In case you are amassing pebbles yourself try around a stream
    or river to get good smooth ones and give them an excellent wash earlier than utilizing them.

  36. Marie ha detto:

    Bipasha Basu looked beautiful in a Neeta Lulla’s creation.

  37. That represented a slowdown from the fourth quarter, however, in response to Goker Yildirim, deputy head of domestic sales at Favori, a wholesaler and retailer.

  38. Leonida ha detto:

    Retailers sometimes get these containers customized manufactured
    while using model of their look imprinted upon these boxes.

    It’s normally extra reasonably priced to amass this type of issues performed in majority.

  39. Tracie ha detto:

    You too can look at on-line auction and buying web sites
    to seek out artisans promoting low-cost jewelry. Be sure to
    buy something from someone you’ll be able to trust.

  40. Danny ha detto:

    The charms could also be sewn with each other producing lovely
    trinkets of jewelries like attraction bracelets.

  41. Wilfred ha detto:

    If candles are in your procuring list, you’re in luck, for Cereria
    Subira is a candle store. Even for those who’re not shopping
    for, the huge vary of candles of all sizes and colours is properly value seeing.

  42. Kory ha detto:

    Wholesale Markets – In the event you want something to occupy your time and allow you to earn money on the
    same time, ponder coming into the pearl business as a buyer and vendor of pearl necklaces.

  43. Finlay ha detto:

    The proposed gold coins with the Ashoka Chakra can even encourage recycling of
    gold among home shoppers and give a fillip to Make in India”.

  44. Delia ha detto:

    All these enhance the regional taxes so much and extremely
    promote the financial improvement of Shenzhen.

  45. Mari ha detto:

    Glad you appreciated this hub about Gold traditions in India.

  46. Imogen ha detto:

    Take your measuring cup and put some heat water
    in it. The water doesn’t have to be hot, simply heat enough to let your
    detergent unfold around and activate.

  47. Joma Jewellery UK ha detto:

    Cuffs: A distinct huge fashion this yr stands out as the cuff bracelet.

  48. Mei ha detto:

    My theme for the early part of the yr for this and my Etsy shop is Valentine’s Day on 14th February
    and Mothers Day (UK) on 6th March.

  49. Try making it in Sterling Silver with both copper or gold fill in the centre or even use one metallic to make
    a really pretty bracelet.

  50. Flor ha detto:

    You have to three lights.

  51. Hugh ha detto:

    These handmade silver rings are simply accessible in any jewelry retailer.

  52. Use them subsequent time you visit your favourite jewellery retailer and you may walk out with a lasting smile on your face.

  53. Leslie ha detto:

    Don’t buy any jewellery from retailers in China.

  54. Elida ha detto:

    When you have the cash assets, think about buying
    findings, fasteners, chains, and beads in larger portions; most jewellery and craft suppliers offer vital reductions on massive orders to encourage fast inventory turnover.

  55. Our Indian mythology states that diamond is believed to have therapeutic skills as nicely.

    They’re so exhausting that they were used as engraving
    tools from time immemorial.

  56. Marta ha detto:

    Stability is an efficient thing.

  57. jindoug.co.kr ha detto:

    Jewellery tends to look much totally different when you actually see
    it in use versus simply sitting on a tabletop.

  58. Marlys ha detto:

    There’s one total road in Paris, the Rue Meslay that’s devoted to shoe retailers,
    almost forty shops specializing in shoes for males, women and youngsters and all
    kinds. Of course there are a few bistros and a few retailers focusing on costume jewellery, an over stream
    from the real heartland of costume jewelry, the Rue de Archives.

  59. Tammi ha detto:

    If silver may be very dirty, strive silver cleaner.

  60. Always impasse doorways every time a house is empty, and
    match a door chain to the primary door to use when you’re at home.

    As a substitute for replacing the cylinders, contemplate becoming secondary bolts to uPVC doorways in other
    components of the home.

  61. Wilburn ha detto:

    Shopper behaviour in China has shown a marked change, with
    spending on luxurious items struggling as progress slowed to its slowest in 25 years.

  62. Michell ha detto:

    In fact, I want to be a highly successful jewellery
    designer who has customers clambering for my next line of jewelry… but I’ve to be practical, don’t I!

  63. You can purchase the wire there in a spool, which is way inexpensive than buying it in smaller quantities.
    Some aluminum wire can also be hypoallergenic, making
    it the right choice for people with sensitive ears.

  64. Showing 1 to 25 of fifty three Articles matching ‘trend bracelets’ in related articles.

  65. Penni ha detto:

    Palladium is a newer valuable metal which is now hallmarked
    in Britain.

  66. You can use all kinds of fascinating tidbits to add flair and originality to your creations.

  67. Loyd ha detto:

    Fortunately, there is a variety of jewelry to select from,
    too, ensuring that you can select something suitable and good trying.

  68. djuse4only.com ha detto:

    Along with the Peacock Throne, Nādir Shāh of Iran introduced the Koh-i-Noor to Persia in 1739.

  69. Imogen ha detto:

    However, if you wish to be seen as a caring, form boyfriend then do not do it!

  70. Veda ha detto:

    It’s all the time easier to study a method should you can watch
    somebody doing it. There are a great deal of jewelry making
    how-to movies on YouTube.

  71. It’s advisable not to put on opal jewellery in extreme heat.
    Do not have it uncovered to direct solar, or extraordinarily
    chilly weather because the opals might crack when subjected to those
    conditions. Opals comprise water inside them and for those who reside in a dry climate, it is best to
    store your opal jewellery in a plastic bag with a moist piece of fabric or cotton ball-this
    will prevent it from dehydrating since opals crack simply when dry.

  72. Fabian ha detto:

    The donations help school meals in Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo or any one
    of the countries the place the UN feeds children in need.

  73. Jens ha detto:

    When buying gold, be sure that your receipt is clearly marked with the karat weight, as well as the producer.

    These are issues you need to know in case you later want
    to appraise or promote the piece, or maybe have it re-sized.

  74. The Gold you may have melted down might be either
    9ct or 18ct gold of any colour. The thought of melting down and reusing gold actually does prevent allot
    of money and can be very vital to folks if you happen to use Gold that perhaps you were given by a special liked
    one, maybe you no longer wear this jewelry however
    would wear it again as a memorial piece with their ashes secure inside.

  75. Terese ha detto:

    The each day benchmark charges set by the affiliation for gold products are between thirteen and 15 % higher than international gold
    prices to account for processing and craftsmanship fees.

  76. Miss de Montille revealed that Pippa, 30, has been an everyday customer of Merci Maman for two years and has purchased a lot
    of bracelets from the shop.

  77. Jewelry-covered frames make beautiful gifts too!

  78. Rufus ha detto:

    There are futuristic designs in versatile
    metal wires containing pearls.

  79. Kristeen ha detto:

    An amber bracelet is really helpful to these affected by rheumatism and arthritis.

  80. Kathleen ha detto:

    All MDG pieces are actually available on this enjoyable and easy to use market in your pocket.

  81. It’s possible to use this for loads of craft projects like generating Pandora bracelets, Pandora key chains, Pandora necklaces and other jewellery creating duties.

  82. Gold was on monitor to submit a second straight weekly fall on rising
    expectations of a rate hike by the U.S. Federal

  83. Harriett ha detto:

    Court docket Form – Rounded inside and outside (the rounded inside is called a consolation-match and
    makes the ring comfortable to put on, this also makes
    the ring barely heavier and deeper than the D Form).

  84. Kathie ha detto:

    An archaeologist with the Colchester Archaeological Trust, a registered charity
    devoted to promoting archaeology within the area, discovered the buried treasure during an excavation beneath the Williams
    & Griffin department store within the city center.

  85. Joma Jewellery UK ha detto:

    You can discover that jewellery buying is much more than you ever imagined.

  86. Justina ha detto:

    The Hintha, or Hamsa, bird figure was often used to embellish Burmese opium weights.

  87. Gustavo ha detto:

    Maybe the most popular merchandise for wedding ceremony
    couple to give are memento photograph frames with custom
    pictures of the shortly to be newlyweds.

  88. As a substitute, ask to view the piece towards a lighter-coloured floor and under magnification.

  89. Tyrone ha detto:

    Pewter jewellery has been broadly popular for many years.
    For those who’re trying to put money into jewelry items made out of
    pewter, guantee that they are lead free.

  90. As you’ve gotten learn, buying or selling jewelry is extremely necessary to the jewelry market,
    especially if they pertain to professional needs.

    Understanding normal practices on the earth of jewelry can make it
    simpler so that you can perceive how you should purchase or promote jewellery.
    Following the above ideas is an excellent starting place.

  91. Breanna ha detto:

    Thanks for understanding.

  92. phoneche2016.com ha detto:

    A few of the packages embrace fun, and classy body jewelery.

  93. That is good :-).

  94. Maurine ha detto:

    The UN World Food Program relies on voluntary donations.

  95. Doyle ha detto:

    However a very powerful function that we discover with antique diamond
    engagement rings from this period, is the fantastic scroll
    work that is usually discovered on the side of the ring.

  96. Bob ha detto:

    The leafing will only stick to the areas where the medium was utilized.
    Apply a size of Terrifically Tacky Tape around the middle of the ball.

  97. Lucy ha detto:

    Black onyx, simulated black diamonds, and classic
    black pearls will be the good equipment that never exit of fashion, and the upcoming season will see this classic coloration creating ripples on the planet of knickknack.
    Necklaces, bracelets and earrings in layers is in trend this season, mixed with uncommon smaller shapes on high of larger items of silver, copper, or gold.

  98. Louie ha detto:

    If you are a stylist, photographer, and so on and wish to work with MDG, please contact Meg at meg@.

  99. Phillis ha detto:

    What we now have instead is inspired interval jewellery –
    crafted by fashionable jewelers utilizing designs and materials used for the originals.

  100. If you end up purchasing a chunk of bijou, an essential thing to contemplate
    is the return policy of the store. By looking into the return coverage of the store, you can be more sure within the high quality of
    the merchandise you might be purchasing in case you
    are not satisfied after your purchase.

  101. Abby ha detto:

    Deal with your ears to some further embellishment with this beautifully stylish Orion earcuff from
    Maria Black.

  102. Our content is up to date day by day so if something massive occurs within the artwork world,
    you could be certain you will find out about it

  103. Heriberto ha detto:

    Jewellery or designer watches might make a good present as a
    marriage or anniversary current for a partner. So long as you are taking your
    time to discover a thoughtful present, the recipient ought to take pleasure in it.

  104. Coro Jewellery was based in 1901 in New York.

  105. Brock ha detto:

    There may be nevertheless, some confusion between kundan and polki jewelry.
    Really each kundan and polki jewelry styles may be known as kundan jewellery.
    Kundan gold jewelry is fabricated from two sorts
    of stones (additionally referred to as polka).

  106. Maxwell ha detto:

    Attempt to have the wedding band and engagement ring soldered at the least per week earlier than the marriage.
    This manner your bride won’t be caught at the alter fussing around making an attempt to fit the rings
    collectively. Getting this process accomplished earlier
    than the marriage will also make the photographs look nice as
    a result of you will have already had the rings polished
    as nicely.

  107. Charlie ha detto:

    I’m already watching the climate forecast to see if a night
    this week will permit us visit no.4.

  108. Rosaura ha detto:

    Whereas within the second century during the Roman Empire, earrings
    turned a classy way for wealthy girls to indicate
    off their riches and using treasured gem stones in the jewellery also became more fashionable.

  109. payapps.co.kr ha detto:

    Their relationship threatened to provoke
    a constitutional crisis in Britain, where Edward was head of the Church of England, which didn’t allow the remarriage of divorced folks whose spouses were nonetheless alive.

  110. Filomena ha detto:

    Sergeant Vince Lewis said the automobile, which was being
    used for a present that includes Drake and
    fellow rapper DJ Future the Prince, was unoccupied at the

  111. Carlton ha detto:

    He pointed across the road to a clothes store that was as soon as a bustling
    venue promoting gold chains, rings and earrings.

  112. Shela ha detto:

    Nerissa’s work is impressed by the drawings and
    designs of the Arts and Crafts motion. She makes use of conventional and contemporary strategies to create work that is
    paying homage to this era with a modern twist.

  113. suchoe.snu.ac.kr ha detto:

    One other widespread weave is the Byzantine chain maille.

  114. It’s best to at all times concentrate on how much acid is
    contained in your physique since it could possibly have an effect on the lifetime of
    your jewellery. If you have a large amount of acid in your
    body, it will possibly make your jewellery turn black, and it will appear
    like it’s nugatory when it is not.

  115. Ronda ha detto:

    Retailers in Barcelona open around 8 am and so they usually shut a couple of
    hours after sunset.

  116. hwfarm.80port.net ha detto:

    Treat items with stones with extra care.

  117. Allen ha detto:

    It’s accessible in a range of types, colours and designs and certainly satisfies all of your tastes and preferences.

  118. Shelley ha detto:

    The Karat meter is a scientific gadget which makes use of X-rays
    to give an actual reading of the purity of gold.

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